Directors, Board Members, Staff & Support

Hank Stohr

Executive Director


Hank is the founder of Prejudice Unfounded. He has over 50 years of experience working with Fortune 500 firms as an IT and management professional in the fields of telecommunications and pharmaceuticals as well as the financial services industry.

Antonio Ruiz Mariscal



Antonio has had a very distinguished career filled with a diverse set of skills. He has a formal education in chemistry, applied mathematics, and research. Additionally, he has worked with the private sector as well as the government with regards to databases, consulting, and research.

Board Members

Kyle Turk

Technology / Advisory


Kyle (MBA, PMP, PECD) brings 20 years of IT systems and community development experience to the board. He is a two-time Peace Corps volunteer and a two-time AmeriCorps volunteer. He has served on several nonprofit boards and is a former CIO of a large nonprofit in Austin, TX.

Byron Battle

Byron Battle

Advisory / Management Oversight


Byron, has forty years in international economic, trade, and community development projects, working with government agencies, international organizations, universities, consulting firms, and the Peace Corps in the US, Europe, Latin america, Asia & Africa.

Amad Doratotaj

Amad Doratoraj

Advisory / Management Oversight


During Amad’s career in the high-tech industry, he managed multi-national companies, grew businesses into market leaders, performed turnarounds, directed mergers and acquisitions, and led companies in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the United States.

David Jones



David is a quadriplegic dealing with paralysis for the past 20+ years. Previously he worked in the seafood industry with his family operating shrimp trawlers and conducting wholesale and retail markets.

Byron Battle

Michael Dewey

Advisory / Management Oversight


Mike received his Bachelor of Science Degree at Syracuse University and for the next 27 years managed finance departments for private and Non profit businesses.

Amad Doratotaj

Dennis Zacharopoulos

Advisory / Management Oversight


Dennis has had lifelong side interests and done graduate, volunteer, and consulting work in human rights, international regimes and organizations, sustainability, and diversity, adding to these more recently the teaching of history and the role of museums. 

Staff & Support

Xavier Rodriguez


Xavier Rodriguez is 26 years old, born in Dominican, and raised in the United States. He is the business owner of MX & Pets, which caters to the care of all types of pets.


Byron Battle

Pino Chavez


Pino Chavez, Director of Graphics at LaSalle University and his Team of Students Supply Prejudice Unfolded with Graphics for their Quarterly Magazine.
When Students don’t have the time to provide the Graphics because of other academic programs, former Students and other University Volunteers are in place to supply them.’

Amad Doratotaj



Aplos is our Vendor of Choice Non-Profit Software Environment. We are using all its integrated capabilities including, CRM, Bookkeeping, Fund Raising, and some banking features. We are provided support from each of these areas.



We use Fiverr and its cadre of consultants for many of our website software needs. And we use them as a sounding board for exploring and solving various software needs.


Byron Battle

Greene Computer


We have put Greene Computer on a retainer so we can have any of our Laptop issues resolved as soon as possible. They have been very resourceful, reliable, and swift to resolve our laptop issues.
As we grow our future needs will be satisfied through them.

Amad Doratotaj



We are using DIVI software for their Website Design and development capabilities and are using Fiverr and our selves for Content Management..

Special thanks to over 30 collaborators who have provided
guidance, insights, organization, and
content regarding all the materials that have been gathered.

These collaborators are family, friends, work acquaintances, and professionals from various disciplines.